Clerical Staff

Our Hard Working Support Staff

Our staff members have a friendly personalities with a passion for helping people. They liaise with patients, physiotherapists, doctors, etc, Our crew is dedicated to creating a comfortable environment for our patients and the smooth day to day running of our practice.

Antoinette Minehan - Practice Manager

Denise Jago - Receptionist

Lorraine Jeffery - Receptionist

Our team is responsible for co-ordinating client services, providing administrative support to our therapists, clerical staff training and supervision.


Clerical Staff

They focus on maintaining a comfortable, caring and friendly environment for our patients as well as overseeing the efficient and professional operations of our physiotherapy business.

If you are unable to travel to our practice due to lack of mobility or pain, we are available to come to your place of residence and carry out physiotherapy treatment in the comfort of your own home.

Pricing - Discounts are available for Pensioner and Senior Card holders.

Need Professional Care?

Our opening Hours are Monday to Friday from 8AM to 7PM and Saturdays from 8AM to 12 (noon).

Appointments are available usually on the same day or within one working day.

Enquire Now Book now!

“Rebecca and Brendon from Southern Sports Physiotherapy have been great in showing me how exercising in the pool (hydrotherapy) is a fun and effective way to ease my back pain and strengthen my core muscles. I look forward to going to hydro every week and exercising  with the other ladies and gents just like me who are looking for a  way to deal with our aches and pains”

Noeline Fletcher

Our Hydrotherapy Patient