About Us

Southern Sports Physiotherapy

Southern Sports Physiotherapy was established in Engadine in 1990, providing professional treatment and rehabilitation to the greater Engadine area.

The clinic is staffed by experienced and qualified physiotherapists, who have a wealth of experience in assessing and treating a variety of musculoskeletal disorders.

Therapy to our clients is provided for a number of pains, injuries and conditions. We offer a wide range of physiotherapy treatment methods aimed at speeding up recovery, restoring function and helping you quickly return to your normal activities of sport, work or leisure.

Why Choose SSP?

Find out information about our opening hours, consultations, home visits and various pricing and discount options. Read More >>

Our Therapists

Meet our experienced Sports Physiotherapists and Qualified Rehabilitation Experts who work together to assure the highest quality of care for our patients. Read More >>

Clerical Staff

Southern Sports Physiotherapy is proud of its outstanding clerical staff which is responsible for co-ordinating client services, providing administrative support to our therapists and patients. Read More >>

“Getting you back on track fast!”

We are a multidisciplinary clinic combining a variety of services including physiotherapy, acupuncture, hydrotherapy and massage therapy. As physiotherapists, we can help treat and prevent a large range of problems and conditions due to various causes. Our services include:


 Injuries & Pain Management

As sports physiotherapists, we treat an extremely diverse range of sports injuries including shoulder injuries, elbow and forearm injuries, wrist, hand and finger injuries, spinal injuries, hip joint and groin injuries, thigh, knee and lower leg injuries, foot and ankle injuries. Read more >>



physio-productsProducts for Sale or Hire

Southern Sports Physiotherapy stocks a variety of quality products for sale at competitive prices, or for hire. They are suitable for use in sporting or work environments to relieve pain or increase stability and support. We offer Taping & Bandages, Bracing and Supports, Fitness Equipment and Orthotics. Read more >>


treatmentPhysiotherapy Treatments

Early physiotherapy intervention accelerates your recovery. Research has proven that people who seek early physiotherapy intervention following an injury have shorter recovery periods compared to those who delay physiotherapy treatment. Our focus is to resolve your problem and return you back to normal function as quickly as possible. Read more >>


Book An Appointment

Please call us and tell us about your problem. Our physiotherapists are here to help!

Our opening Hours are Monday to Friday from 8AM to 7PM and Saturdays from 8AM to 12 (noon). Appointments are available usually on the same day or within one day.

Enquire Now Book now!

“Rebecca and Brendon from Southern Sports Physiotherapy have been great in showing me how exercising in the pool (hydrotherapy) is a fun and effective way to ease my back pain and strengthen my core muscles. I look forward to going to hydro every week and exercising  with the other ladies and gents just like me who are looking for a  way to deal with our aches and pains”

Noeline Fletcher

Our Hydrotherapy Patient