Low Back Injuries & Pain
Low back injuries are one of the most common injuries that we treat. These injuries are caused through poor lifting technique, poor posture, trauma or degeneration.
Read moreLow back injuries are one of the most common injuries that we treat. These injuries are caused through poor lifting technique, poor posture, trauma or degeneration.
Read morePatients complaining of neck pain present with either joint, muscular or neural dysfunction. An accurate examination is vital to reveal the source of the problem and provide treatment.
Read morePain-free shoulder function is essential for many popular sports, workplace tasks and general daily activities. The shoulder is mechanically unstable due to the shallow depth of its joint socket.
Read moreKnee injuries often cause extensive time away from sport and recreation, work and activities of daily living. Main categories of knee injuries: traumatic-causing acute bone, tendon, ligament, muscle or bone damage.
Read moreThe predisposing factor to lower leg pain is abnormal biomechanics. Extreme foot postures and /or muscular tightness or weakness alter lower limb mechanics.
Read moreWrist, hand and finger injuries are commonly sustained during falls, sporting activities, heavy manual lifting and poor ergonomics in the workplace. Fractures require immobilization with casting or bracing to heal properly.
Read moreMuscle tears can occur when the muscle is overstretched or over-exerted. Muscle tears can take between 2-12 weeks to recover depending on their severity.
Read morePain-free elbow and forearm function is essential for throwing, lifting and also in jobs that involve extensive gripping activities. Office workers with poor ergonomic workplaces are common group affected.
Read moreThe most common ankle injury that we see is an inversion injury (rolled ankle). This can result in muscle, tendon or ligament tears and in serious cases boney damage.
Read moreAcute hip and groin pain frequently occurs in sports involving twisting, turning and sidestepping. Symptoms can arise from strains to the groin or hip flexor muscles and tendons.
Read moreChildren suffer from many of the same types of injuries as adults. However children sustain very different injuries compared to adults due to the differences in the structure of their growing muscles and bones.
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