Foot & Ankle Injuries

Common Symptoms and Causes of Foot & Ankle Injuries

The most common ankle injury that we see is an inversion injury (rolled ankle). This can result in muscle, tendon or ligament tears and in serious cases boney damage.

These injuries have significant effects on muscle strength, range of motion, balance and proprioception. Left undiagnosed and untreated these injuries can develop into a chronic ankle instability and cause ongoing pain, decreased sporting performance and high risk of recurrence.

By formulating an accurate diagnosis, a specific management plan is developed to restore normal movement, strength, balance and proprioception to the entire lower limb thus preventing re-injury and new injuries from developing.

Useful Information

Left undiagnosed and untreated these injuries can develop into a chronic ankle instability and cause:

  • ongoing pain & decreased sporting performance,
  • high risk of recurrence.

How can we help?

If you are unable to travel to one of our practices due to lack of mobility or pain, we are available to come to your place of residence.


Achilles tendonitis and Plantar fasciitis

Achilles tendonitis/tendonopathy injuries can be particularly debilitating and are normally due to overuse or following ankle immobilization after a fracture. However simply resting the tendon does not heal the tendon. The damaged tendon undergoes significant degeneration and requires specific exercises prescribed in the correct doses to repair the damage. This will vary significantly depending on the level of function and pain experienced. Expert physiotherapy assessment analyses the major causes of the tendon breakdown and the management typically includes correcting and modifying such important factors as hip, knee and foot control and posture, running/jumping/landing techniques and assessing the training loads that lead to the injury.

Plantar fasciitis also known in lay terms as “heel spurs”, is a common complaint. The injury takes an excessive amount of time to heal for most people due to misdiagnoses and “recipe” approaches to treatment. Ideal management involves assessing the cause of the injury including analyzing the person’s walking/running technique, their foot posture and especially their foot wear, and then developing a comprehensive rehabilitation program to repair the plantar fascia. This may also require prescribing orthotics to correct the foot and lower limb mechanics.

Need professional care?

Southern Sports Physio team is dedicated to providing you with top quality service and care. Please contact us for more details.

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Noeline Fletcher

Our Hydrotherapy Patient