Hip & Groin Injuries

Causes of Hip & Groin Pain

Acute hip and groin pain frequently occurs in sports involving twisting, turning and sidestepping. Symptoms can arise from strains to the adductor (groin) or iliopsoas (hip flexor) muscles and tendons, the hip joint, such as a labral tear and/or a chondral lesion. Ignoring symptoms or rushing back to sport can lead to longstanding exercise related hip and groin pain.

Chronic groin pain in sportspeople is common in activities that involve high running loads, rapid changes of direction and kicking. The most popular diagnostic label for exercise related groin pain is osteitis pubis, however more precisely it known as athletic pubalgia. It describes a syndrome of groin pain related to exercise associated with bony changes at the symphysis pubis.

Other causes of chronic groin pain include adductor tendonopathy/enthesopathy, iliopsoas  dysfunction including bursitis, or the sportspersons hernia.

Useful Information

Chronic groin pain in sportspeople is common in activities that involve:

  • high running loads,
  • rapid changes of direction,
  • kicking.

How can we help?

We offer consultations, treatments and counselling for all hip & groin injuries and health conditions.


Treating Hip & Groin Pain and Injuries

Treating groin pain is particularly challenging as it may be also result from stress fractures, hip joint pathology, lumbar spine referred pain or from the sacro iliac joint (SIJ). Longstanding groin pain is usually a combination of several different pathologies and as such requires an accurate diagnosis with careful consideration to the many implicated structures and then a specific graduated rehabilitation program can be prescribed to ensure restoration of full function to enable a successful pain free return to sport.

Contact Us Now!

Please call us and tell us about your problem. Our physiotherapists are here to help!

Our opening Hours are Monday to Friday from 8AM to 7PM and Saturdays from 8AM to 12 (noon). Appointments are available usually on the same day or within one day.

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“Rebecca and Brendon from Southern Sports Physiotherapy have been great in showing me how exercising in the pool (hydrotherapy) is a fun and effective way to ease my back pain and strengthen my core muscles. I look forward to going to hydro every week and exercising  with the other ladies and gents just like me who are looking for a  way to deal with our aches and pains”

Noeline Fletcher

Our Hydrotherapy Patient