Muscle Injuries

Muscle Tears & Injuries

Muscle tears can occur when the muscle is overstretched or over-exerted. Muscle tears can take between 2-12 weeks to recover depending on their severity.

They have a high re-injury rate mainly due to a combination of returning to sport too early, incorrect diagnosis and not completing rehabilitation.

Muscle tears generally feel better in about 10 days but take significantly longer to be structurally stable. This often gives athletes a false sense that the injury has healed.

Muscle strength and length are often decreased following a tear and need to be restored to normal. There is generally a biomechanical reason why these tears occur.

This can include poor technique, poor stability at different locations in the body or weakness of the muscle itself.

Useful Information

Our opening Hours are Monday to Friday from 8AM to 7PM and Saturdays from 8AM to 12 (noon).

Our offices are equipped with the HICAPS instant rebate system which can process all private health insurance physiotherapy claims on the spot. You only have to pay the gap.

How can we help?

Sports Physiotherapists treat sports people of all ages and abilities, recreational to elite athletes, athletes with disabilities, teams and individuals.


Treating Acute Muscle Injuries

Muscle contusions or “corks” result from a direct blow to the muscle belly causing local muscle damage and bleeding. Most contusions are relatively minor however in severe contusions or when minor contusions have been poorly managed the hematomas can form into a complication known as myositis ossificans. This occurs when the hematoma calcifies. Recovery from this condition is particularly slow.

Managing acute muscle injuries in the first 72 hours involves applying the R.I.C.E.D principles:

  • Rest,
  • Ice,
  • Compression,
  • Elevation,
  • Diagnosis and

Managing acute muscle injuries in the first 72 hours involves avoiding H.A.R.M principles:

  • Heat,
  • Alcohol,
  • Running,
  • Massage.

Subsequent assessment and treatment from your physiotherapist will include promoting effective scar formation through strengthening and stretching exercises and using various soft tissue techniques. In preparation for return to sport, sport specific rehabilitation exercises are implemented to restore full athletic function.

Book An Appointment

Southern Sports Physio team is dedicated to providing you with top quality service and care. Please contact us for more details.

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“The whole team at Southern Sports Physio have been very professional in helping me with my rehabilitation following my car accident. Their program not only dealt with my injuries, but they listened to what I wanted to gain from their treatment. This allowed me to return to the gym and resume my normal work duties as soon as possible. I would strongly recommend Southern Sports Physio to anyone needing specialist treatment for pain and injuries”

Micheal Langley

SES Health and Safety Officer