Thermoplastic Splinting & Taping

Thermoplastic Splinting

Custom made, hand and finger splints utilising the latest thermoplastic material.

Indications for thermoplastic splinting include:

  • sprains or strains to the wrist or fingers,
  • overuse injuries,
  • and for certain undisplaced fractures.


Taping techniques which are used to increase joint awareness and balance (proprioception) and support, or to unload soft tissues and joints.

Southern Sports Physio offers pre-game sports taping service. Contact us for additional information.

Useful Information

Splinting and Taping can help in:

  • Increasing joint awareness,
  • Increasing joint balance,
  • Support joints
  • Unloading soft tissues and joints.

Physiotherapy at SSP?

If you are unable to travel to one of our practices due to lack of mobility or pain, we are available to come to your place of residence and carry out physiotherapy treatment in the comfort of your own home.

Pricing - Discounts are available for Pensioner and Senior Card holders.

Contact us for an Enquiry

Please call us and tell us about your problem. Our physiotherapists are here to help!

Our opening Hours are Monday to Friday from 8AM to 7PM and Saturdays from 8AM to 12 (noon). Appointments are available usually on the same day or within one day.

Book now!

“Rebecca and Brendon from Southern Sports Physiotherapy have been great in showing me how exercising in the pool (hydrotherapy) is a fun and effective way to ease my back pain and strengthen my core muscles. I look forward to going to hydro every week and exercising  with the other ladies and gents just like me who are looking for a  way to deal with our aches and pains”

Noeline Fletcher

Our Hydrotherapy Patient